Tips from Asheville, NC Movers on Preparing for Your Move
Among the many benefits of using reputable Asheville, NC, movers like Gasperson Moving & Storage, you’ll receive excellent advice on anything pertaining to your move. As a prime example, the company you hire can provide you with a to-do list with a specific timeline for tasks that you need to complete. Perhaps, the most important are the things listed one week prior to moving.
5 Things You Will Not Want to Overlook
To help with this, the top Asheville, NC, movers offered information on the five most critical things you don’t want to overlook.
- Financial Responsibilities – While in the middle of planning a move, it’s much easier than you might think to forget about taking care of financial matters. Roughly one week before you relocate, close out your checking and savings accounts, so you can reopen them at an institution close to your new home. If your current bank or credit union has a branch where you’re moving, you can simply transfer your accounts. Also, if you have a safety deposit box, you’ll need to close it out as well.
- Goodie Bag – Even if the Asheville, NC, movers plan to deliver your possessions the next day, it never hurts to prepare an overnight bag. Fortunately, when you hire a reputable company, seldom are drivers delayed. However, it’s always better to pack a change of clothes, bottled water, snacks, phone and charger, pet food, baby toys, toiletries, and other essentials just in case.
- Mail Delivery – Either online or by visiting your local post office, you need to put in a change of address. That way, everything will forward automatically to your new home. If you have any magazine or newspaper subscriptions, cancel them.
- Utilities – Asheville, NC, movers also remind customers to stop or transfer all utilities, including electricity, gas, water, and sewer. As for cable service, you’ll need to unsubscribe or have it transferred.
- Prescriptions – If you’re taking any prescribed medications, don’t forget to contact the pharmacy that fills them to inform of your move. By going to the branch of that same pharmacy in your new location, you can transfer your prescriptions. However, in some instances, especially for narcotics, you would need to have your doctor write a prescription that you can take with you to have filled. At the same time, Asheville, NC, movers suggest that you ask your doctor for recommendations on other physicians near your new home that can treat you and your family.
Contact Gasperson Moving & Storage
For more information or to begin planning your next relocation, contact Gasperson Moving & Storage in Asheville, NC today!