People often ask if they need moving insurance. A common mistake is some individuals believe insurance is not a big deal. One thing that is important to understand is that moving companies are liable for some of your items and not all. The fact is that before you agree to have any movers transport your possessions, you need a clear understanding as to the type and level of protection available.
Keep in mind, even the best full service movers experience accidents. Whether due to another driver, weather, or something else, there are times when things go wrong. Fortunately, when you hire a reputable moving company, accidents are few and far between. Even so, you need to make sure that you have moving insurance to protect your belongings.
Insurance is Essential
Whether relocating a few blocks away, to a different city, or to the other side of the country, you need insurance. Many movers offer only limited or basic liability, to be sure all of your items are completely protected, you need to purchase moving insurance.
For optimum protection, you want to hire full service movers that offer replacement value coverage. That way, there is no price cap. With basic liability, only a small portion of the cost of damaged goods is covered. With full replacement, the insurer covers the value of anything lost, damaged, or destroyed. That applies to packing and unpacking if performed by the movers, loading and unloading, and transport.
Ultimately, you want full replacement moving insurance. This is a worthwhile investment.
Excellent Service
Gasperson Moving & Storage is one of the most respected of all full service movers. Along with excellent services, we offer outstanding liability coverage. Contact us today to learn more or to have an estimator come to your home.